We are our body, we notice impulses, thoughts, feelings, sensations in our bodies and move with/from/as them. Our moment by moment attention to the here and now of our living, moving/being in the world allows us to expand our sense of who we are as we come to experience ourselves with more depth and clarity.
— Jane Bacon

Moving Energy Wellness

offering somatic counseling and massage therapy in Longmont, Colorado

For those unable to visit in person, virtual counseling is available to residents throughout the state of Colorado


  • Counseling

    Offering person-centered body-based counseling and more traditional modalities. Working with people experiencing a range of challenges, including life transitions, grief and loss, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and the effects of trauma/ PTSD.

  • Virtual Counseling

    Counseling sessions available virtually for those unable to visit in person.

  • Massage Therapy

    Personalized and integrative massage therapy sessions focusing on safe embodiment, stress management, body awareness, and pain management. Modalities used include deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, visceral techniques, neuromuscular therapy, and craniosacral therapy.